COVID-19 Information
赌博正规的十大网站为COVID-19和其他传染病决策采用了一个公共卫生框架,该框架由疾病控制和预防中心提供信息,并与埃尔帕索县公共卫生部门协商. 我们将继续监测COVID-19指标,并根据需要重新评估我们的协议,以保护校园健康和安全.
如果您出现COVID-19症状,请留在家中,远离他人. If you must interact with others, wear a mask.
Students should contact the Student Health Center at (719) 389-6384 or use the online scheduling system 与医疗服务提供者预约,他们将帮助进行检查和治疗.
员工应该联系他们的医疗保健提供者,以确定哪些测试和治疗是合适的. They should also contact their supervisor.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
如果检测结果呈阳性,你必须隔离(see the "Isolation" section below). If your test is negative, 请呆在家里,直到你的症状消退,或者你确认你的症状是由非传染性疾病引起的.
如果您出现紧急警告信号或任何其他严重或与您有关的症状, 拨打911并立即寻求紧急医疗护理:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- 皮肤、嘴唇或甲床呈苍白、灰色或蓝色
COVID-19疫苗是预防严重疾病的有效工具, and CC will continue encouraging students, staff, 和教师接受他们的COVID-19初级系列和所有推荐的助推器.
- COVID-19疫苗在预防严重疾病方面非常有效, hospitalizations, and death, 疾病预防控制中心建议所有符合条件的人都要及时接种COVID-19疫苗.
- 接种疫苗是减缓SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)传播的最佳方法.
- 如果您想完成您的初始系列或接受加强, find a COVID-19 vaccine location near you.
我们理解这种情况让很多人感到焦虑. There are numerous resources 在校园的支持和帮助,包括 Counseling Center, Chaplain's Office, Employee Assistance Plan, the Butler Center, the Advising Hub, and the Wellness Resource Center.
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Mitigation and campus protocols
Mask-wearing is optional on the CC campus.
所有人都可以在任何时候以任何理由选择戴口罩. 佩戴合适的N95或KN95口罩是预防COVID-19传播的有效工具, especially in conjunction with vaccination. You are expected to wear a mask:
- 与他人互动时,如果你感觉不舒服,包括患有covid - 19 symptoms
- Throughout any isolation period
Additionally, 鼓励未充分接种疫苗/未及时接种疫苗的人在公共室内场所佩戴口罩, in accordance with CDC guidance.
手卫生是减少许多传染病传播的一个重要组成部分, including COVID-19, flu, and colds.
- 经常用肥皂和水洗手至少20秒, 尤其是在你去过公共场所或擤完鼻涕之后, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, 使用含有至少60%酒精的洗手液. 覆盖双手的所有表面,相互摩擦,直到双手感觉干燥. Hand sanitizer is available throughout campus.
- 避免用未洗手的手触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴.
Always cover coughs and sneezes.
- 如果你戴着口罩,你可以 对着口罩咳嗽或打喷嚏. 尽快戴上新的、干净的口罩并洗手.
- If you are not wearing a mask:
- 当你咳嗽或打喷嚏时,一定要用纸巾捂住口鼻, 或者用手肘内侧,不要吐痰.
- Throw used tissues in the trash.
- Immediately wash your hands 咳嗽或打喷嚏后用肥皂和水至少20秒. If soap and water are not readily available, 用含有至少60%酒精的洗手液洗手.
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Testing and quarantine
Anyone with any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 无论是否接种疫苗或是否感染,都应尽快接受检测.
- 有症状的学生可以从健康资源中心拿起自我测试包, Loomis, Mathias, South or Hybl while supplies last. Because there are a lot of COVID-19症状与其他疾病的相似之处 like flu, strep throat, and the common cold, 出现症状但在家庭快速测试中呈阴性的学生应该预约学生健康中心进行更准确或更适当的测试.
- 有症状的员工可以从健康资源中心(在罗布森体育馆旁边的学生健康和福利大楼内)领取自检包,直到供应完毕.
- Students can schedule an appointment at the Student Health Center by calling (719) 389-6384; appropriate testing will be ordered and completed through this appointment.
- 员工应该联系他们的医疗保健提供者,以确定哪些测试和治疗是合适的.
- 如果您出现症状且检测呈阴性 for COVID-19, 你应该在第一次测试后一到两天戴口罩重新测试, 除非你的医生能找出这些症状的其他原因.
- Students 谁在学生健康中心外COVID-19检测呈阳性.g., 在家或在其他医疗机构或药房进行COVID-19快速检测)应使用我们的 self report form.
Asymptomatic testing for students 会在特定情况下在校园内进行吗.
- Post-exposure testing: 如果您与确诊的COVID-19患者有过密切接触(24小时内6英尺内共15分钟或更长时间), 你应该在接触后5到7天接受检测. 学生们可以在健康资源中心领取自检包, Loomis, Mathias, South, or Hybl while supplies last. (注意,你应该在公共场合戴口罩,并在已知暴露后的14天内监测COVID-19的症状.)
- Testing for high risk individuals: 如果您未接种疫苗/未完全接种疫苗,并参加了使您处于COVID-19高风险的活动(1).e., 处于无法保持身体距离的社交场合(如旅行或在拥挤或通风不良的室内环境中)。, 无症状检测可在校园内进行.
- Pre-travel testing: Students who need pre-travel testing as required by the carrier or destination can receive that testing through the Student Health Center; employees should contact their medical providers or local testing clinics.
- Students 谁在学生健康中心外COVID-19检测呈阳性.g., 在家或在其他医疗机构或药房进行COVID-19快速检测)应使用我们的 self report form.
员工无症状检测(自检包) 可以在健康资源中心(在罗布森体育馆旁边的学生健康和福利大楼)外领取,直到供应完毕.
- Free tests are available through most local health departments; tests also are available for purchase in pharmacies and retail stores.
- 参加该学院医疗保健计划的教职员工将依靠信诺进行COVID-19检测和护理.
CC follows CDC guidance on exposure. Regardless of vaccination status:
- Wear a mask around others for 10 days
- Test on day five, if possible
- 如果出现症状,请进行检查并待在家中,并保持联系
- 隔离整整5天(第0天是指首次出现症状或收到阳性检测结果的那一天).
- 如果你是一名学生,住在多人共用的房间里, 除了在第10天睡觉之外,任何时候都要戴上合身的N95口罩(N95口罩在马蒂亚斯酒店有售), South, and Loomis front desks).
- 学生应该呆在家里和自己的房间里,除了拿食物, use the restroom, or spend time outside away from others.
- If you test positive (students and employees), 你应该把你即将缺席的情况通知所有相关人员, which may include professors, supervisors, coaches, colleagues, and Residential Experience staff.
- Students, after five full days of isolation, 如果症状有所改善,并且24小时没有发烧或没有使用退烧药物,你可以离开隔离. During this time, you are still expected to wear a high-quality, 当你在家里或公共场合与他人在一起时,戴上合适的口罩. 不要去不能戴口罩的地方或从事不能戴口罩的活动.
- Employees, follow CDC isolation guidance在家隔离至少5天. 如果你24小时不发烧(不使用退烧药物),并且你的症状正在改善,你可以在第五天结束隔离. 你应该继续穿高质量的(N95或KN95)。, 当你在家或在公共场合和其他人在一起时,再戴五天合适的口罩. 不要去不能戴口罩的地方或从事不能戴口罩的活动.
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